It is really all about protecting yourself financially if something unexpected happens to your home or your possessions. That's important because chances are your home is one of your largest investments.
- Property Damage - This is by far the biggest claim maker, which includes damage to your house and any structures on your property due to water, fire and severe storms, among other calamities.
- Natural Disasters - Homewreckers like floods and earthquakes are usually not covered by basic plans. That means you’ll need additional coverage or a separate policy to keep your goodies protected.
- Standard Home Liability - This covers you financially if someone is injured or their personal belongings are damaged while on your property.
- Extra Money for Living - If your house is too messed up to live in while it’s being repaired or rebuilt, most policies will pay for a hotel and other living expenses, like groceries.
- Personal Property Coverage (AKA your stuff) - This depends on your policy. Items like furniture may only be covered up to a depreciated value. Things like jewelry and other ‘bling’ might not have any coverage and will need additional insurance.
It is important to know that homeowner’s insurance is meant to cover unexpected damage, not routine maintenance. If you have questions as to what is covered, be sure to read your policy so you know exactly what's included and what is not. If you have questions about a specific item, please give us a call at (781) 396-3111.
Contact us for more information.